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TCP and UDP port numbers (/etc/services) quick reference

Whilst the IP address provides the connection to the correct machine, it cannot distinguish the different service that is required. The port is used to distinguish the application. It is a value from 0 to 65535. The combination of IP address, port and protocol is called a socket, and has to be unique for every service. The port numbers area available for both TCP and UDP, and when referred to in conjunction with the IP address it specifies the "socket".

The first 1000 ports are reserved for specific applications, and on Linux can normally own be used by a daemon / application that has super user privileges. These are referred to as well known ports. Some are defined in RFC 1340, and more are defined by IANA.

Details of the reserved ports are listed on most systems in the /etc/services file, an example of which is shown below (taken from a Ubuntu Linux distribution).


# Network services, Internet style


# Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known

# port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, officially ports have two entries

# even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.


# Updated from and other

# sources like .

# New ports will be added on request if they have been officially assigned

# by IANA and used in the real-world or are needed by a debian package.

# If you need a huge list of used numbers please install the nmap package.

tcpmux		1/tcp				# TCP port service multiplexer

echo		7/tcp

echo		7/udp

discard		9/tcp		sink null

discard		9/udp		sink null

systat		11/tcp		users

daytime		13/tcp

daytime		13/udp

netstat		15/tcp

qotd		17/tcp		quote

msp		18/tcp				# message send protocol

msp		18/udp

chargen		19/tcp		ttytst source

chargen		19/udp		ttytst source

ftp-data	20/tcp

ftp		21/tcp

fsp		21/udp		fspd

ssh		22/tcp				# SSH Remote Login Protocol

ssh		22/udp

telnet		23/tcp

smtp		25/tcp		mail

time		37/tcp		timserver

time		37/udp		timserver

rlp		39/udp		resource	# resource location

nameserver	42/tcp		name		# IEN 116

whois		43/tcp		nicname

tacacs		49/tcp				# Login Host Protocol (TACACS)

tacacs		49/udp

re-mail-ck	50/tcp				# Remote Mail Checking Protocol

re-mail-ck	50/udp

domain		53/tcp				# Domain Name Server

domain		53/udp

mtp		57/tcp				# deprecated

tacacs-ds	65/tcp				# TACACS-Database Service

tacacs-ds	65/udp

bootps		67/tcp				# BOOTP server

bootps		67/udp

bootpc		68/tcp				# BOOTP client

bootpc		68/udp

tftp		69/udp

gopher		70/tcp				# Internet Gopher

gopher		70/udp

rje		77/tcp		netrjs

finger		79/tcp

http		80/tcp		www		# WorldWideWeb HTTP

http		80/udp				# HyperText Transfer Protocol

link		87/tcp		ttylink

kerberos	88/tcp		kerberos5 krb5 kerberos-sec	# Kerberos v5

kerberos	88/udp		kerberos5 krb5 kerberos-sec	# Kerberos v5

supdup		95/tcp

hostnames	101/tcp		hostname	# usually from sri-nic

iso-tsap	102/tcp		tsap		# part of ISODE

acr-nema	104/tcp		dicom		# Digital Imag. & Comm. 300

acr-nema	104/udp		dicom

csnet-ns	105/tcp		cso-ns		# also used by CSO name server

csnet-ns	105/udp		cso-ns

rtelnet		107/tcp				# Remote Telnet

rtelnet		107/udp

pop2		109/tcp		postoffice pop-2 # POP version 2

pop2		109/udp		pop-2

pop3		110/tcp		pop-3		# POP version 3

pop3		110/udp		pop-3

sunrpc		111/tcp		portmapper	# RPC 4.0 portmapper

sunrpc		111/udp		portmapper

auth		113/tcp		authentication tap ident

sftp		115/tcp

uucp-path	117/tcp

nntp		119/tcp		readnews untp	# USENET News Transfer Protocol

ntp		123/tcp

ntp		123/udp				# Network Time Protocol

pwdgen		129/tcp				# PWDGEN service

pwdgen		129/udp

loc-srv		135/tcp		epmap		# Location Service

loc-srv		135/udp		epmap

netbios-ns	137/tcp				# NETBIOS Name Service

netbios-ns	137/udp

netbios-dgm	138/tcp				# NETBIOS Datagram Service

netbios-dgm	138/udp

netbios-ssn	139/tcp				# NETBIOS session service

netbios-ssn	139/udp

imap2		143/tcp		imap		# Interim Mail Access P 2 and 4

imap2		143/udp		imap

snmp		161/tcp				# Simple Net Mgmt Protocol

snmp		161/udp

snmp-trap	162/tcp		snmptrap	# Traps for SNMP

snmp-trap	162/udp		snmptrap

cmip-man	163/tcp				# ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT)

cmip-man	163/udp

cmip-agent	164/tcp

cmip-agent	164/udp

mailq		174/tcp			# Mailer transport queue for Zmailer

mailq		174/udp

xdmcp		177/tcp				# X Display Mgr. Control Proto

xdmcp		177/udp

nextstep	178/tcp		NeXTStep NextStep	# NeXTStep window

nextstep	178/udp		NeXTStep NextStep	#  server

bgp		179/tcp				# Border Gateway Protocol

bgp		179/udp

prospero	191/tcp				# Cliff Neuman's Prospero

prospero	191/udp

irc		194/tcp				# Internet Relay Chat

irc		194/udp

smux		199/tcp				# SNMP Unix Multiplexer

smux		199/udp

at-rtmp		201/tcp				# AppleTalk routing

at-rtmp		201/udp

at-nbp		202/tcp				# AppleTalk name binding

at-nbp		202/udp

at-echo		204/tcp				# AppleTalk echo

at-echo		204/udp

at-zis		206/tcp				# AppleTalk zone information

at-zis		206/udp

qmtp		209/tcp				# Quick Mail Transfer Protocol

qmtp		209/udp

z3950		210/tcp		wais		# NISO Z39.50 database

z3950		210/udp		wais

ipx		213/tcp				# IPX

ipx		213/udp

imap3		220/tcp				# Interactive Mail Access

imap3		220/udp				# Protocol v3

pawserv		345/tcp				# Perf Analysis Workbench

pawserv		345/udp

zserv		346/tcp				# Zebra server

zserv		346/udp

fatserv		347/tcp				# Fatmen Server

fatserv		347/udp

rpc2portmap	369/tcp

rpc2portmap	369/udp				# Coda portmapper

codaauth2	370/tcp

codaauth2	370/udp				# Coda authentication server

clearcase	371/tcp		Clearcase

clearcase	371/udp		Clearcase

ulistserv	372/tcp				# UNIX Listserv

ulistserv	372/udp

ldap		389/tcp			# Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

ldap		389/udp

imsp		406/tcp			# Interactive Mail Support Protocol

imsp		406/udp

svrloc		427/tcp				# Server Location

svrloc		427/udp

https		443/tcp				# http protocol over TLS/SSL

https		443/udp

snpp		444/tcp				# Simple Network Paging Protocol

snpp		444/udp

microsoft-ds	445/tcp				# Microsoft Naked CIFS

microsoft-ds	445/udp

kpasswd		464/tcp

kpasswd		464/udp

saft		487/tcp			# Simple Asynchronous File Transfer

saft		487/udp

isakmp		500/tcp			# IPsec - Internet Security Association

isakmp		500/udp			#  and Key Management Protocol

rtsp		554/tcp			# Real Time Stream Control Protocol

rtsp		554/udp

nqs		607/tcp				# Network Queuing system

nqs		607/udp

npmp-local	610/tcp		dqs313_qmaster		# npmp-local / DQS

npmp-local	610/udp		dqs313_qmaster

npmp-gui	611/tcp		dqs313_execd		# npmp-gui / DQS

npmp-gui	611/udp		dqs313_execd

hmmp-ind	612/tcp		dqs313_intercell	# HMMP Indication / DQS

hmmp-ind	612/udp		dqs313_intercell

qmqp		628/tcp

qmqp		628/udp

ipp		631/tcp				# Internet Printing Protocol

ipp		631/udp


# UNIX specific services


exec		512/tcp

biff		512/udp		comsat

login		513/tcp

who		513/udp		whod

shell		514/tcp		cmd		# no passwords used

syslog		514/udp

printer		515/tcp		spooler		# line printer spooler

talk		517/udp

ntalk		518/udp

route		520/udp		router routed	# RIP

timed		525/udp		timeserver

tempo		526/tcp		newdate

courier		530/tcp		rpc

conference	531/tcp		chat

netnews		532/tcp		readnews

netwall		533/udp				# for emergency broadcasts

gdomap		538/tcp				# GNUstep distributed objects

gdomap		538/udp

uucp		540/tcp		uucpd		# uucp daemon

klogin		543/tcp				# Kerberized `rlogin' (v5)

kshell		544/tcp		krcmd		# Kerberized `rsh' (v5)

dhcpv6-client	546/tcp

dhcpv6-client	546/udp

dhcpv6-server	547/tcp

dhcpv6-server	547/udp

afpovertcp	548/tcp				# AFP over TCP

afpovertcp	548/udp

idfp		549/tcp

idfp		549/udp

remotefs	556/tcp		rfs_server rfs	# Brunhoff remote filesystem

nntps		563/tcp		snntp		# NNTP over SSL

nntps		563/udp		snntp

submission	587/tcp				# Submission [RFC4409]

submission	587/udp

ldaps		636/tcp				# LDAP over SSL

ldaps		636/udp

tinc		655/tcp				# tinc control port

tinc		655/udp

silc		706/tcp

silc		706/udp

kerberos-adm	749/tcp				# Kerberos `kadmin' (v5)


webster		765/tcp				# Network dictionary

webster		765/udp

rsync		873/tcp

rsync		873/udp

ftps-data	989/tcp				# FTP over SSL (data)

ftps		990/tcp

telnets		992/tcp				# Telnet over SSL

telnets		992/udp

imaps		993/tcp				# IMAP over SSL

imaps		993/udp

ircs		994/tcp				# IRC over SSL

ircs		994/udp

pop3s		995/tcp				# POP-3 over SSL

pop3s		995/udp


# From ``Assigned Numbers'':


#> The Registered Ports are not controlled by the IANA and on most systems

#> can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary

#> users.


#> Ports are used in the TCP [45,106] to name the ends of logical

#> connections which carry long term conversations.  For the purpose of

#> providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is

#> defined.  This list specifies the port used by the server process as its

#> contact port.  While the IANA can not control uses of these ports it

#> does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the

#> community.


socks		1080/tcp			# socks proxy server

socks		1080/udp

proofd		1093/tcp

proofd		1093/udp

rootd		1094/tcp

rootd		1094/udp

openvpn		1194/tcp

openvpn		1194/udp

rmiregistry	1099/tcp			# Java RMI Registry

rmiregistry	1099/udp

kazaa		1214/tcp

kazaa		1214/udp

nessus		1241/tcp			# Nessus vulnerability

nessus		1241/udp			#  assessment scanner

lotusnote	1352/tcp	lotusnotes	# Lotus Note

lotusnote	1352/udp	lotusnotes

ms-sql-s	1433/tcp			# Microsoft SQL Server

ms-sql-s	1433/udp

ms-sql-m	1434/tcp			# Microsoft SQL Monitor

ms-sql-m	1434/udp

ingreslock	1524/tcp

ingreslock	1524/udp

prospero-np	1525/tcp			# Prospero non-privileged

prospero-np	1525/udp

datametrics	1645/tcp	old-radius

datametrics	1645/udp	old-radius

sa-msg-port	1646/tcp	old-radacct

sa-msg-port	1646/udp	old-radacct

kermit		1649/tcp

kermit		1649/udp

groupwise	1677/tcp

groupwise	1677/udp

l2f		1701/tcp	l2tp

l2f		1701/udp	l2tp

radius		1812/tcp

radius		1812/udp

radius-acct	1813/tcp	radacct		# Radius Accounting

radius-acct	1813/udp	radacct

msnp		1863/tcp			# MSN Messenger

msnp		1863/udp

unix-status	1957/tcp			# remstats unix-status server

log-server	1958/tcp			# remstats log server

remoteping	1959/tcp			# remstats remoteping server

cisco-sccp	2000/tcp			# Cisco SCCP

cisco-sccp	2000/udp

search		2010/tcp	ndtp

pipe-server	2010/tcp	pipe_server

nfs		2049/tcp			# Network File System

nfs		2049/udp			# Network File System

gnunet		2086/tcp

gnunet		2086/udp

rtcm-sc104	2101/tcp			# RTCM SC-104 IANA 1/29/99

rtcm-sc104	2101/udp

gsigatekeeper	2119/tcp

gsigatekeeper	2119/udp

gris		2135/tcp		# Grid Resource Information Server

gris		2135/udp

cvspserver	2401/tcp			# CVS client/server operations

cvspserver	2401/udp

venus		2430/tcp			# codacon port

venus		2430/udp			# Venus callback/wbc interface

venus-se	2431/tcp			# tcp side effects

venus-se	2431/udp			# udp sftp side effect

codasrv		2432/tcp			# not used

codasrv		2432/udp			# server port

codasrv-se	2433/tcp			# tcp side effects

codasrv-se	2433/udp			# udp sftp side effect

mon		2583/tcp			# MON traps

mon		2583/udp

dict		2628/tcp			# Dictionary server

dict		2628/udp

f5-globalsite	2792/tcp

f5-globalsite	2792/udp

gsiftp		2811/tcp

gsiftp		2811/udp

gpsd		2947/tcp

gpsd		2947/udp

gds-db		3050/tcp	gds_db		# InterBase server

gds-db		3050/udp	gds_db

icpv2		3130/tcp	icp		# Internet Cache Protocol

icpv2		3130/udp	icp

mysql		3306/tcp

mysql		3306/udp

nut		3493/tcp			# Network UPS Tools

nut		3493/udp

distcc		3632/tcp			# distributed compiler

distcc		3632/udp

daap		3689/tcp			# Digital Audio Access Protocol

daap		3689/udp

svn		3690/tcp	subversion	# Subversion protocol

svn		3690/udp	subversion

suucp		4031/tcp			# UUCP over SSL

suucp		4031/udp

sysrqd		4094/tcp			# sysrq daemon

sysrqd		4094/udp

sieve		4190/tcp			# ManageSieve Protocol

epmd		4369/tcp			# Erlang Port Mapper Daemon

epmd		4369/udp

remctl		4373/tcp		# Remote Authenticated Command Service

remctl		4373/udp

f5-iquery	4353/tcp			# F5 iQuery

f5-iquery	4353/udp

iax		4569/tcp			# Inter-Asterisk eXchange

iax		4569/udp

mtn		4691/tcp			# monotone Netsync Protocol

mtn		4691/udp

radmin-port	4899/tcp			# RAdmin Port

radmin-port	4899/udp

rfe		5002/udp			# Radio Free Ethernet

rfe		5002/tcp

mmcc		5050/tcp	# multimedia conference control tool (Yahoo IM)

mmcc		5050/udp

sip		5060/tcp			# Session Initiation Protocol

sip		5060/udp

sip-tls		5061/tcp

sip-tls		5061/udp

aol		5190/tcp			# AIM

aol		5190/udp

xmpp-client	5222/tcp	jabber-client	# Jabber Client Connection

xmpp-client	5222/udp	jabber-client

xmpp-server	5269/tcp	jabber-server	# Jabber Server Connection

xmpp-server	5269/udp	jabber-server

cfengine	5308/tcp

cfengine	5308/udp

mdns		5353/tcp			# Multicast DNS

mdns		5353/udp

postgresql	5432/tcp	postgres	# PostgreSQL Database

postgresql	5432/udp	postgres

freeciv		5556/tcp	rptp		# Freeciv gameplay

freeciv		5556/udp

amqp		5672/tcp

amqp		5672/udp

amqp		5672/sctp

ggz		5688/tcp			# GGZ Gaming Zone

ggz		5688/udp

x11		6000/tcp	x11-0		# X Window System

x11		6000/udp	x11-0

x11-1		6001/tcp

x11-1		6001/udp

x11-2		6002/tcp

x11-2		6002/udp

x11-3		6003/tcp

x11-3		6003/udp

x11-4		6004/tcp

x11-4		6004/udp

x11-5		6005/tcp

x11-5		6005/udp

x11-6		6006/tcp

x11-6		6006/udp

x11-7		6007/tcp

x11-7		6007/udp

gnutella-svc	6346/tcp			# gnutella

gnutella-svc	6346/udp

gnutella-rtr	6347/tcp			# gnutella

gnutella-rtr	6347/udp

sge-qmaster	6444/tcp	sge_qmaster	# Grid Engine Qmaster Service

sge-qmaster	6444/udp	sge_qmaster

sge-execd	6445/tcp	sge_execd	# Grid Engine Execution Service

sge-execd	6445/udp	sge_execd

mysql-proxy	6446/tcp			# MySQL Proxy

mysql-proxy	6446/udp

afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp	bbs		# file server itself

afs3-fileserver 7000/udp	bbs

afs3-callback	7001/tcp			# callbacks to cache managers

afs3-callback	7001/udp

afs3-prserver	7002/tcp			# users & groups database

afs3-prserver	7002/udp

afs3-vlserver	7003/tcp			# volume location database

afs3-vlserver	7003/udp

afs3-kaserver	7004/tcp			# AFS/Kerberos authentication

afs3-kaserver	7004/udp

afs3-volser	7005/tcp			# volume managment server

afs3-volser	7005/udp

afs3-errors	7006/tcp			# error interpretation service

afs3-errors	7006/udp

afs3-bos	7007/tcp			# basic overseer process

afs3-bos	7007/udp

afs3-update	7008/tcp			# server-to-server updater

afs3-update	7008/udp

afs3-rmtsys	7009/tcp			# remote cache manager service

afs3-rmtsys	7009/udp

font-service	7100/tcp	xfs		# X Font Service

font-service	7100/udp	xfs

http-alt	8080/tcp	webcache	# WWW caching service

http-alt	8080/udp

bacula-dir	9101/tcp			# Bacula Director

bacula-dir	9101/udp

bacula-fd	9102/tcp			# Bacula File Daemon

bacula-fd	9102/udp

bacula-sd	9103/tcp			# Bacula Storage Daemon

bacula-sd	9103/udp

xmms2		9667/tcp	# Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System

xmms2		9667/udp

nbd		10809/tcp			# Linux Network Block Device

zabbix-agent	10050/tcp			# Zabbix Agent

zabbix-agent	10050/udp

zabbix-trapper	10051/tcp			# Zabbix Trapper

zabbix-trapper	10051/udp

amanda		10080/tcp			# amanda backup services

amanda		10080/udp

hkp		11371/tcp			# OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver

hkp		11371/udp

bprd		13720/tcp			# VERITAS NetBackup

bprd		13720/udp

bpdbm		13721/tcp			# VERITAS NetBackup

bpdbm		13721/udp

bpjava-msvc	13722/tcp			# BP Java MSVC Protocol

bpjava-msvc	13722/udp

vnetd		13724/tcp			# Veritas Network Utility

vnetd		13724/udp

bpcd		13782/tcp			# VERITAS NetBackup

bpcd		13782/udp

vopied		13783/tcp			# VERITAS NetBackup

vopied		13783/udp

dcap		22125/tcp			# dCache Access Protocol

gsidcap		22128/tcp			# GSI dCache Access Protocol

wnn6		22273/tcp			# wnn6

wnn6		22273/udp


# Datagram Delivery Protocol services


rtmp		1/ddp			# Routing Table Maintenance Protocol

nbp		2/ddp			# Name Binding Protocol

echo		4/ddp			# AppleTalk Echo Protocol

zip		6/ddp			# Zone Information Protocol


# The remaining port numbers are not as allocated by IANA.


# Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services

# Note that these are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial.  Sites running

# v4 should uncomment these and comment out the v5 entries above.


kerberos4	750/udp		kerberos-iv kdc	# Kerberos (server)

kerberos4	750/tcp		kerberos-iv kdc

kerberos-master	751/udp		kerberos_master	# Kerberos authentication

kerberos-master	751/tcp

passwd-server	752/udp		passwd_server	# Kerberos passwd server

krb-prop	754/tcp		krb_prop krb5_prop hprop # Kerberos slave propagation

krbupdate	760/tcp		kreg		# Kerberos registration

swat		901/tcp				# swat

kpop		1109/tcp			# Pop with Kerberos

knetd		2053/tcp			# Kerberos de-multiplexor

zephyr-srv	2102/udp			# Zephyr server

zephyr-clt	2103/udp			# Zephyr serv-hm connection

zephyr-hm	2104/udp			# Zephyr hostmanager

eklogin		2105/tcp			# Kerberos encrypted rlogin

# Hmmm. Are we using Kv4 or Kv5 now? Worrying.

# The following is probably Kerberos v5  --- (11/02/2000)

kx		2111/tcp			# X over Kerberos

iprop		2121/tcp			# incremental propagation


# Unofficial but necessary (for NetBSD) services


supfilesrv	871/tcp				# SUP server

supfiledbg	1127/tcp			# SUP debugging


# Services added for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution


linuxconf	98/tcp				# LinuxConf

poppassd	106/tcp				# Eudora

poppassd	106/udp

ssmtp		465/tcp		smtps		# SMTP over SSL

moira-db	775/tcp		moira_db	# Moira database

moira-update	777/tcp		moira_update	# Moira update protocol

moira-ureg	779/udp		moira_ureg	# Moira user registration

spamd		783/tcp				# spamassassin daemon

omirr		808/tcp		omirrd		# online mirror

omirr		808/udp		omirrd

customs		1001/tcp			# pmake customs server

customs		1001/udp

skkserv		1178/tcp			# skk jisho server port

predict		1210/udp			# predict -- satellite tracking

rmtcfg		1236/tcp			# Gracilis Packeten remote config server

wipld		1300/tcp			# Wipl network monitor

xtel		1313/tcp			# french minitel

xtelw		1314/tcp			# french minitel

support		1529/tcp			# GNATS

cfinger		2003/tcp			# GNU Finger

frox		2121/tcp			# frox: caching ftp proxy

ninstall	2150/tcp			# ninstall service

ninstall	2150/udp

zebrasrv	2600/tcp			# zebra service

zebra		2601/tcp			# zebra vty

ripd		2602/tcp			# ripd vty (zebra)

ripngd		2603/tcp			# ripngd vty (zebra)

ospfd		2604/tcp			# ospfd vty (zebra)

bgpd		2605/tcp			# bgpd vty (zebra)

ospf6d		2606/tcp			# ospf6d vty (zebra)

ospfapi		2607/tcp			# OSPF-API

isisd		2608/tcp			# ISISd vty (zebra)

afbackup	2988/tcp			# Afbackup system

afbackup	2988/udp

afmbackup	2989/tcp			# Afmbackup system

afmbackup	2989/udp

xtell		4224/tcp			# xtell server

fax		4557/tcp			# FAX transmission service (old)

hylafax		4559/tcp			# HylaFAX client-server protocol (new)

distmp3		4600/tcp			# distmp3host daemon

munin		4949/tcp	lrrd		# Munin

enbd-cstatd	5051/tcp			# ENBD client statd

enbd-sstatd	5052/tcp			# ENBD server statd

pcrd		5151/tcp			# PCR-1000 Daemon

noclog		5354/tcp			# noclogd with TCP (nocol)

noclog		5354/udp			# noclogd with UDP (nocol)

hostmon		5355/tcp			# hostmon uses TCP (nocol)

hostmon		5355/udp			# hostmon uses UDP (nocol)

rplay		5555/udp			# RPlay audio service

nrpe		5666/tcp			# Nagios Remote Plugin Executor

nsca		5667/tcp			# Nagios Agent - NSCA

mrtd		5674/tcp			# MRT Routing Daemon

bgpsim		5675/tcp			# MRT Routing Simulator

canna		5680/tcp			# cannaserver

sane-port	6566/tcp	sane saned	# SANE network scanner daemon

ircd		6667/tcp			# Internet Relay Chat

zope-ftp	8021/tcp			# zope management by ftp

tproxy		8081/tcp			# Transparent Proxy

omniorb		8088/tcp			# OmniORB

omniorb		8088/udp

clc-build-daemon 8990/tcp			# Common lisp build daemon

xinetd		9098/tcp

mandelspawn	9359/udp	mandelbrot	# network mandelbrot

git		9418/tcp			# Git Version Control System

zope		9673/tcp			# zope server

webmin		10000/tcp

kamanda		10081/tcp			# amanda backup services (Kerberos)

kamanda		10081/udp

amandaidx	10082/tcp			# amanda backup services

amidxtape	10083/tcp			# amanda backup services

smsqp		11201/tcp			# Alamin SMS gateway

smsqp		11201/udp

xpilot		15345/tcp			# XPilot Contact Port

xpilot		15345/udp

sgi-cmsd	17001/udp		# Cluster membership services daemon

sgi-crsd	17002/udp

sgi-gcd		17003/udp			# SGI Group membership daemon

sgi-cad		17004/tcp			# Cluster Admin daemon

isdnlog		20011/tcp			# isdn logging system

isdnlog		20011/udp

vboxd		20012/tcp			# voice box system

vboxd		20012/udp

binkp		24554/tcp			# binkp fidonet protocol

asp		27374/tcp			# Address Search Protocol

asp		27374/udp

csync2		30865/tcp			# cluster synchronization tool

dircproxy	57000/tcp			# Detachable IRC Proxy

tfido		60177/tcp			# fidonet EMSI over telnet

fido		60179/tcp			# fidonet EMSI over TCP

For an explanation see the Basic TCP/IP networking guide.

Previous Monitoring USB traffic with Wireshark
Monitoring USB traffic with Wireshark