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Linux misc commands quick reference guide

These are some example commands with typical command options.

Search Commands

Search for files - sort by filesize (add -r for reverse order)
find -type f | xargs ls -l | cut -c 33- | sort -n

Move files that are over 1 month old
find -atime +32 -exec mv {} /var/archive/logs \;

Installing / managing packages

RPM commands

List all installed packages
rpm -q -a

Upgrade packages
rpm -U -v *.rpm

Freshen packages This is the one you should use when applying the latest fixes
rpm -Fvh *.rpm

To find which rpm file (not installed) has the file libX
for i in `cat <dir to rpm files>`; do if rpm -qpl $i | grep libX >/dev/null; then echo $i; fi; done

Debian commands

Search for package
apt-cache search <searchterm>
apt search <searchterm>

Install package from repository
sudo apt-get install <packagename> or
apt install <packagename>

Install package from localfile
sudo dpkg --install <packagename.deb>

Update package listsfrom repositories
sudo apt update

Upgrade installed packages to latest version
sudo apt upgrade

Basic script functions

Basic script to perform something against a number of files
for filename in * ; do echo > $filename; done

Counting commands

To count number of none empty lines in a file
grep -v -e "^$" filename | wc -l

To count number of source code lines (perl)
find . -name "*.p?" | xargs grep -v -e "^$" - | wc -l

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